Setting Things Up

Under this chapter, we intend to answer the following 3 questions :

  1. What are we setting up?
  2. Why are we setting up those things?
  3. How are we seting up those things?

What are we setting up?

We are setting up a development toolchain, RISCV virtual environment and a no-std Rust file.

The development Toolchain

A toolchain is a group of software tools that typically get used together...a chain of tools...
In OS Development, the name toolchain usually refers to the combination of the compiler, linker, debugger and a bunch of programs that help in inspecting files. This toolchain gets used to convert source code into a format that can run on an execution environment.

An execution environment is a place where a software program can run. It provides the necessary resources, like the operating system and libraries, that the program needs to function. Examples of execution enviroments include: Bare metal, Browsers, Virtual Machines, Operating systems and Containers.

The toolchain in our case will consist of the following tools :

  1. The Rust Nightly Compiler with a riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf backend
  2. linker : Rust-lld
  3. Binutils
  4. Make

To our luck, we do not have to install all these elements seperately. There exists compact toolchains :

  1. LLVM Riscv toolchain
  2. The GNU Riscv Toolchain
  3. The Rust Toolchain

Why we need the toolchain

We will have two kinds of source code files in our project : Rust source files and RISCV-Assembly files. Both of these types of files need to be turned into object files. Afterwards, those object files need to get linked together into a single executable file.

We can go about this process of creating a single executable file in two ways:

Method 1

We can compile the Rust files seperately from the Assembly files.
Meaning that we will use a stand-alone assembler to assemble the RISCV assembly files and turn them into object code.
Later, we will then compile the RUST files into object code using a RUST_compiler.
Afterwords we can combine the resultant object files using a linker to form a single executable.

Method 2

We can embed the assembly code into the Rust source code.
That way, we only need one compilation, we will only need to compile the asm_embedded Rust files. This method seems more of 'plug and play'.
The disadvantage of this method is that we will always have to re-compile every file each time we change anything in any source file. But this is not really a problem. Modern compilers are Fast. Using method one will save up a few nano_seconds. A few nanoseconds is cheap price to pay.
Method 2 is a more user friendly method. Trading off negligible compile time over a user-friendliness in building and tweaking configurations is by far a very good choice.

Moreover, the rust compiler comes with its own inbuilt LLVM linker, rust-lld. That means that once we hit compile, we get the executable file output. One click, and all the build process runs inbuilt; from compiling rust files, to compiling assembly files, to creating a riscv-compliant executable file.

No more Makefiles nightmares, no more. This is very big news.
For this reason, we will use Method 2.

The Rust LLVM compiler and Targets

The Linker
